Club Notices – 2013

Jan 26

to members
Hi All,
I hope you are staying warm ad your boat is surviving the frigid nights. The Board met lat week and set the racing schedule and most of the social events. I will attempt to put it all on the club’s web site. For now I ‘ll highlight a few:

26 March – Racing Registration, at YRYH
29 March – Racing Seminar, at YRYH
3 May – Blessing of the Fleet, at YRYH
7 May – First Club Race

As you see, most of the events will be hosted at the York River Yacht Haven (YRYH). This is the major change this year. We still have our office at the Crown Point Marina, but we do not have the access to the community room as we had in the past. We will now schedule and rent a room at the Yacht Haven or Crown Point for events. Presently we are planning all events at the YRYH and will pay to have the exclusive events at a good fee. Many of our events will not be exclusive, like the Racing Registration or Racing Seminar. These kind of events we want to get outside interest and possible new future members. This is a new strategy for the club and will determine our future path. The Cruising schedule has not been planned yet. When it does, we will post it. Most club cruises will be the same traditional dates and destinations as in the past.

With that I just want to remind all to send in your dues, it’s the same as last year. Please contact me or another Board Member if you have questions. Keep on dreaming about the warm days ahead on the Chesapeake Bay; it will be here before we know it.

Jan 7
I just received the below email from Mike. If any one can help him with his Sea Scout endeavor, contact him directly.
I hope all of you and your crew are getting some good winter rest and pleased that you don’t have to sail in this frigid weather. Looking forward to get the boating season started this year. The board is meeting this month to finalize this year’s schedule. We will be in contact with you soon about the club’s plans.

Stay warm –

Dave Wiker

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: “Ship 1781”
Date: January 6, 2014 at 5:05:05 PM EST
To: “‘Dave Wiker'”
Cc: “‘George Jones'”
Subject: Sea Scout Ship 1781 Seeks Halyard Winch & Rope Clutch

Dave, George,
Would one of you be so kind as to forward this to the YRYC? Ship 1781 is begging again! 🙂

Greetings YRYC,
In order to facilitate advanced sail training, Ship 1781 intends to rig our Scout vessel, the Hunter 34 “Bay Scout”, with spinnaker gear. We have most of the equipment we need, but we are seeking a halyard winch (4” diameter base or larger) and a double rope clutch (for 5/16” – 3/8” line). If someone has either of these two items lying around their garage gathering dust (in any condition – we are pretty good at fixing things), Ship 1781 would consider a purchase (but would REALLY appreciate a donation!). Thank you for your continued support to our Sea Scout program.
Fair Winds,