2018 York River Cup – Coming September 22!

Hopefully all will weather Hurricane Florence without incident, and everything will be back to normal by September 22nd for the annual York River Cup!
Attached below, please find the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions and entry form for the 2018 York River Cup. We are going with the traditional spinnaker/non-spinnaker class split, with a social to follow at the YRYH Activities Room. So far, we have six (6) boats registered to race.
Racers should plan to rendezvous on race day at 10:30am, in the vicinity of York River R“24” for up to three planned races (weather dependent). The Race Committee (RC) will use VHF 72 as its working channel, so please monitor. Races will start between orange flag on the RC boat and York River R“24” Start Order: Spinnaker (yellow), Non-Spinnaker (blue). First warning at 11:00am. Races will be started in accordance with Rule 26
Awards will be announced at post race social. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for PHRF Classes, depending on number of starters per class. Awards based on combination of scores for all races (no throwouts). York River Cup will be awarded to the boat that wins in the class having the greatest number of starters.
Interested racers should submit entry form and $15 entry fee to: YRYC Treasurer, PO Box 996, Gloucester Point, VA 23062.
The York River Cup is open to all PHRF boats with category 5P/4P certificates.
Please include a copy of your 2018 PHRF certificate with your entry form. Entries due by September 22. Boats that do not have a valid PHRF certificate may compete in the Cruising division and will be assigned a rating by the Race Captain.
If you intend to race, please contact YRYC Race Captain, Mike, at racecaptain@yryc.org to ensure you are on the list. All are welcome to participate, as a racer or spectator!
- Entry Form: YRYC standard entry form v2018
- Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions: YR Cup 2018 NOR-SI