2020 Racing Registration Event – March 25

YRYC will be hosting its annual Racing Registration Open House event for the 2020 racing season!
The event will be on Wednesday, March 25 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the Activities Building at York River Yacht Haven, located at 8109 Yacht Haven Road, Gloucester Point, VA 23062.
Stop by anytime during those hours to sign up for for the 2020 racing season. Here is what you will need:
* A completed YRYC Race Entry Form (available on-site)
* a current PHRF certificate (more information at http://www.phrfchesbay.org)
* registration fee, currently $75 for the season, payable to YRYC
If not available on March 25, please contact racecaptain@yryc.org for more information.