2023 Cruise Schedule Shaping Up

Hello from the Cruise Captain!
I’m in the process of locking down the YRYC 2023 cruise calendar. Since my work travel schedule is back to its pre-covid levels, I will be looking for volunteers to lead some of the cruises this year. Please send a direct message to cruisecaptain@yryc.org if you are interested.
Some months we will try to have multiple cruises, especially in the warmer months. This hopefully will give us more flexibility to meet the busy schedule needs that everyone must balance.
- Shakedown Cruise (20th – 21st)
- Memorial Weekend Raft-Up/Anchorage (27th-29th)
- Harborfest (9th – 11th) Registration deadline will be by April 24th for the club. Club registration is due by May 1st. So look for more information soon on this in a separate communication.
- Fleet Cruise: Separate Sail and Power Cruises. (23rd – 25th). Sometimes it’s hard to balance needs of everyone so we will try a cruise dedicated to our members preference. I’m looking for a volunteer to lead the sail cruise.
- Tides Inn (Date to be confirmed based on availability)
- Up the Bay – Solomons to St Michaels. Dates TBD
- Cape Charles (1st-4th) reserve your spot on Eventbrite,
- Norfolk: Nashfest and Baseball: September (16th-17th)
- Local Cruise/Anchor (14th-15h)
November: TBD
In preparation for the upcoming cruise season, please fill out your boat information to the best of your knowledge (form found here). This information will be used to help update out membership information and arrange the best possible dock for your boat away from your home port. We will be providing a list ahead of time to the dockmasters to help better organize for everyone involved.
Fair Winds,
Mark M, Cruise Captain