Admiral’s Cup 2011

The 15th annual Admiral’s Cup was held on Saturday, August 6th, once again hosted by our good friends at Seaford Yacht Club. Conditions in Poquoson Bay were challenging, with 15-25kt winds around the 11.7 nm, two-lap triangle course. For the first time, we had a cruising-class fleet along with spin and non-spin. The spinnaker fleet was an all-YRYC event, with Steve Bowen’s Dream On holding off Jim Bordeaux’ Solstice and John Haracivet’s Midnight Rider. In non-spin, Chuck Eldred’s Gail Force prevailed , followed by Dave Crossett’s Gator (with Southern bay racing legend Dan Smoker on board) and YRYC’s Jade (Barry Campbell) picking up 3rd. Cruising class was dominated by Bill Small’s Cleo, with Dick Jones’ Carmel as the lone entry in that fleet from YRYC.

“The Cup” was retained by YRYC by virtue of Dream On’s greater margin of victory vs. Gail Force in the non-spin fleet, winning overall honors for the first time since the inaugural race in 1997.
