Another Memorial Day Raft Up in the Books

Memorial Day

YRYC started the summer sailing season with its traditional cruise to Mobjack Bay for the Memorial Day weekend.  This year, instead of our usual East River location, we headed to the Ware River around Windmill Point for a change of scenery.   

On Saturday morning, which was a picture perfect day for sailing, seven boats headed out for our weekend destination.   Three boats, expertly guided by Manitou, made it through “The Swash”.  So now Reveille and Kleiner Hund can now call themselves ‘swashbucklers’!  

Along the way, we saw dolphins swimming along the side of two of our boats, showing us their babies.  What a treat!

By early afternoon, all boats had made it to the anchorage and we were ready to set up and begin a weekend.  We enjoyed a shared dinner of carnitas and lots of shared sides, swapped sea stories, retrieving a lost shoe being carried away in the current, and testing out our dinghies.  

We were all sorry the weekend seemed to end so quickly.  The weather was perfect for our return trip home.

Enjoy some photos of our weekend!
