Blessing of the Fleet and Sock Burning Set for May 12

Join us Saturday, May 12, 2018 as we kick off the season with the Blessing of the Fleet and Sock Burning Ceremony, to be followed by a pot luck lunch. York River Yacht Club (YRYC) members and York River Yacht Haven (YRYH) slipholders are invited to participate.
Registration to take part in the parade of boats for the Blessing will be held in the YRYH Activities Room the morning of May 12th from 10:00 to 11:00 am. Please drop by and register your boat for the blessing.
You may also register your boat to be blessed “in absentia”.
Full event information and schedule may be found at the YRYC calendar of events or the YRYC Facebook Page.
So what is a sock burning ceremony anyway? Check out Dockwa’s blog for the origins of this odd yet interesting sailing tradition…