Cruise Captain Updates

Cruise Captain Mark has some great things in store now that the 2022 season is underway. Check out these upcoming trips!
Tides Inn: May 13th – 15th
Consider joining us for the first cruise of the year after all the spring boat maintenance! Currently we have 5 boats participating. The outdoor pool is open and heated for the first time in a long time. Come relax and enjoy your boat after all the hard work this winter. If we get 6 boats in attendance the club will get 10% off dockage rates. Details and registration at
Memorial Day Weekend Raft Up (Mobjack Bay): May 28th – 30th
The club will host a weekend raft up and also perform a beach cleanup at New Point Comfort to kick off the Chesapeake Bay Foundations – clean the bay. Weather is always a factor in this cruise so be tuned in to last minute changes as that will determine anchorages. Register at the following Google Form.
HarborFest and Albemarle Loop: June 10th – 12th and 12th – 19th
Reservations have been submitted for Harborfest 2022! We have a great showing this year after a few years of pandemic canceled events. We can’t wait to see our members on the Elizabeth River during parade of sail and should make for some great picture opportunities. We have 7 boats at the Freemason harbor and 6 boats staying at Tidewater Marina.
Post Harborfest we will be departing on one of our longest cruises to the Albemarle Loop. We will try to space out the stops to have some enjoyable land time. The plan is to travel through both canals which will give us some new experiences for members. Hopefully the weather and duckweed will permit us to have a nice trip! I have included the latest Army Corp of Engineers survey information and links in the google form. Also this trip is height restricted so take care to know your boat height as there are many bridges and power lines crossing the waterway. We hope to see you in Coinjock for their famous prime rib! Register for Albemarle Loop cruise at the following Google Form.
Cape Charles: September 2nd – 5th
Our annual cruise to Cape Charles for Labor Day weekend! We hope you consider joining us for beautiful sunsets and music in this fun extended weekend trip. We will again try to have some activities planned available for members. Last year we had a small boat tour to the barrier islands that was really enjoyable where we could pick up large sea shells and also learned about the barrier island ecosystem. Let us know your interest or drop me a message of any group activities you might like to participate in. Currently we have 15 slips. Reserve quickly or this cruise will sell out in the harbor marina! Let us know your interest or drop Cruse Captain Mark a message of any group activities you might like to participate in or complete this form.
Need more information? Contact Cruise Captain Mark at