Do You Hashtag?

Hashtag (#)
- Noun – a word or phrase preceded by a hash mark (#), used within a message to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it, as in “The hashtag #yryc was used to help find our events on social media.”
- Verb (used with or without object),hash·tagged, hash·tag·ging – to add a hashtag to (a word, topic, or message), as in “Someone on Instagram just hashtagged the yacht club’s event!”
So what does this have to do with you?
Many YRYC members are on Facebook and Instagram and regularly post photos of themselves having fun on their boats, be it cruising, racing or other doing other fun things around the marina. By hashtagging your experiences, you can help raise the profile of York River Yacht Club and amplify the efforts of the club’s social media presence by giving a bit of a shout-out to YRYC when you are posting something fun.
The use of hashtags can mean social media users who may not regularly follow YRYC can more easily find us and our events on Facebook or Instagram. We are hopeful this sort of discovery could turn into new memberships for the club.
Here are a few suggested hashtags from which you may consider choosing when you are out there living your best #yachtlife with #yryc !
Don’t want to hashtag? That is ok, too. Continue to send your fun photos to and we will take care of the rest.
Boating and Fun:
#yryc #letsgosailing #sailing #sailinglife #boatlife #boathairdontcare #yorkriver #sarahcreek #coastalva #lifeonthewater #seeyouonthewater #yachtlife #fairwinds #betteronthebay |
Racing and York River Cup
#yryc #letsgosailing #sailing #sailinglife #yorkriver #coastalva #seeyouonthewater #fairwinds #yorkrivercup #andthewinneris #regatta #railmeat #sailboatracing #betteronthebay