Marine Yard Sale – What’s In Your Garage?

As part of York River Yacht Haven’s Spring Fling event on Saturday, April 13, YRYC will be hosting a marine yard sale from 9am – 12 noon. Club members are invited to see what gear they may have in their garages, workshops, below deck or stuffed in other nooks and crannies that would make a great addition to the yard sale inventory to buy, sell or trade.
The marina will offer us an area in front of the Activities Building for our sale site. Sellers should plan to bring their own table (BYOT) or the marina will rent you one for $5. Members who wish to participate in the marine yard sale should plan to arrive and to help set up at 8:00am. Then have some breakfast and wait for buyers!
The marina is also asking for a few club volunteers (2-3 non-sellers) to staff the yard sale event, which would mean checking in sellers from the RSVP registration list, showing them where to set up their table, and generally facilitating an orderly event.
Our posted yard sale hours will end at 12 noon. At that time, we will break down tables and then are free to participate in the YRYH’s Spring Fling activities, which include food (breakfast and lunch!), vendors, seminars, and a sale in the Marina store.
If you would like to be a seller in the marine yard sale or help staff the event, If you are interested in participating, please contact Victoria Harrison at or call the office at 804.642.2156 no later than April 10th to secure your table by providing the following information:
- Your Name
- Boat Name
- Will you be renting a table
- Size of table you will require
- If providing your own table, what is the size
- Items you wish to sell
If you would like to be buyer, we invite you to come to YRYH Spring Fling!