Moonlight Race Coming August 29

Moonlight on water

The Club’s 2020 Moonlight Race will be held Saturday, August 29.  Race was originally scheduled for August 1, but was called on account of bad weather.   

This annual race starts in the evening and finishes after dark, following a course that will take competitors out around York Spit Light and back.   This race is open to all boats who meet PHRF of the Chesapeake Fleet Safety Requirements for Chesapeake Bay – Category 4P.

Race details will be in the Special Sailing Instructions posted on the YRYC Racing Web Site. This race will include a spinnaker and a non-spinnaker Fleet.  The starting line is R24.

Winners of the Moonlight Race receive the John Dworak Memorial Trophy.

Entry fee of $10 for boats not already registered for the racing season with YRYC.

To register or for more information, contact
