Rescheduled Races – Single Handed and Mixed Doubles

The club’s annual Single-Handed Race has been rescheduled for Saturday, July 17, with the start at R22 at 1:30 PM. This race will be followed by a Mixed Double-Handed Race (one man, one woman), starting at 3:00 PM.
Elixir will be the Committee Boat. To encourage participation in both races, Elixir will take your second crew member out with us for the Single-Handed Race. Then they can transfer over to your boat between the races.
The start for the second race will be delayed in the unlikely event that a Double-Handed entrant has not finished the first race by 3:00.
Sailing instructions are posted on the Racing page of the club’s website.
Both of these races will be run with the assumption that no one has raced before. There will be plenty of VHF 72 help to avoid confusion. If you haven’t raced before, come out and try it. You will see it is fun. the YRYC race program is a great way to learn your boat, sharpen your sailing skills, and to ENJOY THE BOAT you are paying for. Race in both, watch one and do the other, or just come out and watch!
Also, keep in mind that the annual Moon Light Race will be Saturday, July 24. With a full moon, sailing on the York is downright magical !
Please contact me with any questions: