Opportunity Cruise to Onancock

If your planning goes like it does on S/V Reveille, the benevolent Captain always accepts input and concerns from the crew. One of the regular concerns surrounding cruising plans is always the dreaded night passage and the subsequent watch keeping. In an effort to allay those concerns and build some confidence we thought a full moon cruise to Onancock would fit the bill. We should have visibility the whole evening as the moon rises right after sunset and sets right before sunrise. Because it is only one evening our watch schedule will be fresh starting watches after the sails are set on the Northern leg. Also Onancock is one of the destinations we have wanted to visit!
Our plan: Leave after Commodores Cocktail hour (virgin libations only, of course!) between 9 &10 PM and sail through the night. We plan on arriving at the Onancock canal after sunrise and transit the canal in daylight, moor at the marina and get some rest for the rest of the morning. Enjoy the afternoon visiting Onancock and eat a really good meal in town. Sunday morning after breakfast in town we will slip the lines and head back in daylight to Yacht Haven.
We would love to have some other boats join S/V Reveille on the trip. So during Commodores Cocktail Hour on May 5th we will have a discussion on night passages and some of the considerations necessary as well as a Captains meeting to discuss weather and the route.
If you are interested you can contact Jeff E.
You can download the sailing instructions here!