2012 York River Cup
The club's very own regatta. In 2012 this is a CBYRA sanctioned event. Join us for the race and then stay for the awards ceremony and party. The awards ceremony takes place at the club's CPM location. 2012 Results :
Read MoreThe YRYC Sunfish
The YRYC Sunfish loan program is run by long time club member Helen Quinby. Helen has restored the club's two sunfish and has them in beautiful shape. If you are a YRYC member and would like to borrow one or both sunfish for an event please call Helen at (804) 832-5730 to arrange it.
Read MoreCoast Guard Safety Inspections
The York River Yacht Club encourages everyone to have their boats inspected once a year by the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Not only does this reduce the chances of time consuming Coast Guard boardings while on a cruise or at a race but is the best way to make sure that you have not forgotten to re-equip the boat with its required safety equipment each Spring. The club's Coast Guard Auxiliary contact people are : William Harris -- 757-877-0413 Russ Wuestefeld -- 804-693-5422
Read MoreFrostbite Series
Links for results for individual races may be found below or by following the links for the race date on the Activity Calendar.