Yacht Club Website

http://foxfamily.typepad.com/yryc/ If you haven’t checked it out lately, take a look. The site has been getting updated lately. So, if you’re curious about what’s happening, or need a detail about a meeting, cruise, etc you should be able to find it there. Also, watch this space for further developments. We will likely be getting our own domain sometime during the Summer, something like yryc.org.

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From George Jones, Vice Commodore and Membership

Hi All, I've got the finalized schedules, documents, new member info, etc. for the 2011 YRYC Membership Book all edited up and ready to print. If you've been a member of the club for a year or more and your name appears in last year's book, please make sure that your contact information, boat information, marina, etc. is correct. If you would like me to make any changes or add any information please send an e-mail gjones1735 'at' cox 'dot' net and I'll get it taken care of.

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Blessing of the Fleet – Saturday, May 7

It’s that time of the year again… Spring is in the air, boats are in the water. Tradition says that participation in the BOF ritual will assure cruisers of fair weather and safe passage, and racers of success on the race course. Others say this is mere superstition, but why take chances? Come join us on Saturday May 7th. Here’s the schedule of events: 9:00-10:00 Registration at the YRYC clubroom 10:30:11:00 Procession of boats from the mouth of the Perrin River to “B” dock at Crown Pointe to be blessed 11:30 Brunch (including mimosas) in the CPM Activity Room, $10/person

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A Few Thoughts from the Ohio Branch Office (or is that the Crown Pointe district office?)

Charlie and I are very glad that winter is over and are at long last back at the boat. Weather is beyond great, it’s been spring monsoon season in Cincinnati. Four months of snow on the ground is a bit too much. Rufus hates snow almost as much as he hates swimming (which he has done three times from the boat). Apparently the cat thinks the water’s still to cold for a dip so far. We’ll be participating in the Blessing of the Fleet this year and hope we’ll see you there!

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