Rear Commodore’s Report for August 2021

With folks on vacation and the weather HOT & HUMID on the Chesapeake, let’s try to make the most of our weekends at the marina (if you’re there). We have a number of events scheduled for September until December 😊 and are looking
forward to an even better 2022!
FRIDAYS: Start the weekend right with a cold beverage🥤 and snacks🍿. Bring an appetizer to share (or not). Members gather and socialize starting around 5:30pm (ish) on the pool side, under the awning, or on the balcony.
SATURDAYS: Members may go cruising if not already planned ⛵🚤. In the late afternoon and into the evening members gather in or by the pool for conversation and drinks🍹. This may lead to dinner by the poolside and/or games and other shenanigans into the early night.
Remember: Ice cream 🍦🍨 is only 1.5 miles away at Beans! and it’s member recommended!!
Fair winds,
June Holland, co-Rear Commodore