RSVP Now for the Memorial Day Weekend Raft-Up

Cruise Captain John has sent out the RSVP for the YRYC annual cruise to Mobjack Bay/East River for Memorial Day weekend. Please RSVP by the link to the Google form contained in the email sent to club members.
Please respond by May 18 so John may organize a plan for all attending boats.
The club will host an event at YRYH on Friday evening, May 25. Then cruisers will plan to depart from YRYH on Saturday morning, May 26 and return Monday, May 28.
One cruiser has expressed interest in continuing on to Onancock on the Eastern Shore for the remainder of that week. You will have the option to answer Y/N in the RSVP form that option if you are interested.
If you have any questions, please contact John at