2008 Cruising News

Over the course of Memorial Day Weekend we had six boats on Mobjack Bay. Each day we sailed and each evening we rafted together and enjoyed the beauty of being at anchor on the water. The weather and the company were both excellent! Larry and Maureen Davis are leaving the weekend of June 21 to sail Camden up the bay, with the specific goal of visiting Baltimore Harbor. Lin and I can't leave until Monday, but we are going to catch up with them. Camden and Elixir will both be back in home waters somewhere around the July 4th weekend. Anyone else want to join in?

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YRYC Upcoming Events

April Monthly Meeting:  There will be a potluck supper Saturday night, April 19, 2008.  Drinks and appetizers start at 6:30 PM at the Activity Room at Crown Pointe Marina. Members should bring a dish to feed at least 8 people.  Assignments are as follows for last name beginning with:

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2007 Cruise Calendar

Remember, it only takes two boats to start a cruise. Mention it out loud and others will say “That sounds good, I’m going too!” Last year we had great participation from both sailors and power boaters alike and I’m sure that will continue. If you are new to cruising (as we all were at one time) and would like some mentoring to get started, please be in touch. There is no finer way to spend a weekend, a week, or longer, than cruising with your friends and fellow boaters. Closely following last year’s successful calendar, the 2007 York River Yacht Club Cruise Calendar is outlined below.

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