What Is Your RaceQ?

At a recent racing Bean Dinner, the race results spreadsheet was posted on the big screen TV so all racers could review rankings and performances. The group lamented not having post-race videos to show, but alas, YRYC does not have a video boat to record our glory (and our folly).
But there is a way to replay and analyze each of our races with a very helpful app called RaceQs. One of our active YRYC racers has been using this app for a while and suggested other racers give it a try. You do not need any special equipment to get started, just GPS or a smart phone. It is also free!
RaceQs lets you record a “virtual video” of your race – individual boat or fleet. If all Wednesday Night racers used RaceQs, we could view them right after the race on the big screen TV and also use them to evaluate tactics and performance at any later time.
Maximum benefit would be realized if everyone starts using this tracking app, so the Racing Committee encourages all racers to consider downloading RaceQs and using it every week. Hopefully, with the summer season underway, every boat will be recording and uploading their race track so we get a complete picture.
Even if you’re not interested in your boat’s track, please record and upload so others can benefit.
Questions? Members of the Race Committee are happy to help.