YRYC Now Part of YCA

It is with great excitement that we announce York River Yacht Club is now a member of Yachting Clubs of America, a membership organization dedicated to the advancement of yachting. YCA represents over 300,000 members and over 700 YCA registered yacht and sailing clubs in America.
Membership in YCA gives great reciprocity benefits to yacht clubs all over America. Some have dockage, some provide a free night, some you pay, some have restaurants and lounges (may have dress code), locker rooms, showers and pools.
YCA members may be found in an on-line version of the Register is in the “Members Only” section. This may be accessed via the YCA’s website at: http://www.ycaol.com, which will require a club user id and password. This information has been emailed to members. It is also available in the Members Only Google Drive.
Once you have decided to visit a reciprocal club, requirements may vary. Higher volume, popular destinations (Annapolis, for example) may require a letter in good standing from your home club. Where that is the case, please send an email to commodore@yryc.org (allow at least 24 hours for response), providing the following information:
- Your Name
- Club Visiting
- Dates Visiting
- Email address of club to send Letter of Good Standing
Upon arrival at the reciprocal club, check in at reception and show your YCA reciprocity card.
If you have any questions, please email commodore@yryc.org.